[ITK-users] Call for papers: WBIR2018 - 8th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
2017-10-16 09:08:23 UTC

Leiden, The Netherlands
June 28 & 29, 2018
Website: wbir2018.nl
Manuscript submission deadline: Jan 12, 2018

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 8th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR2018, held in Leiden, The Netherlands!

The workshop brings together leading researchers in the area of biomedical image registration to present and discuss recent developments and methodology in the field. The workshop will include both oral and poster presentations, an image registration challenge, and ample opportunities for discussion. At the social events you will discover the beauty of Leiden, its lovely canals, and excellent food and drinks.


* Paper submission: Jan 12, 2018

* Notification: Feb 23, 2018

* Camera ready: March 23, 2018

* Conference: June 28/29, 2018


Submissions are invited in all areas of biomedical image registration. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Novel registration methodology: 2D/3D/4D, spatiotemporal/dynamic, slice-to-volume, projective, single/multi-modal, intra/inter-subject, shape registration, model-based, patch-based, multi-channel, tracking, real-time, similarity measures, machine learning / deep learning techniques

* Mathematical aspects of image registration: continuous/discrete optimization methods, diffeomorphisms, LDDMM, stationary velocity, inverse consistency, multi-scale

* Biomedical applications of registration: computer-assisted interventions, image-guided therapy, treatment planning/delivery, diagnosis/prognosis, atlas-based segmentation, label fusion, histopathology correlation, motion-compensated reconstruction, serial studies, morphometry, biomechanics, image retrieval/restoration/fusion, imaging biomarkers for precision medicine, radiomics & radiogenomics

* Early proof of concept, with potential use in biomedical applications

* Validation of registration: quantitative and qualitative methods, benchmarking,
comparison studies, phantom studies, correlation to outcome


Stefan Klein - Erasmus MC, The Netherlands

Marius Staring - Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Stanley Durrleman - INRIA/ICM ARAMIS Lab, France

Stefan Sommer - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

With kind regards, on behalf of the organizing committee,

Marius Staring, PhD
Division of Image Processing (LKEB)
Department of Radiology
Leiden University Medical Center
PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, Postzone C2-s, room C3-53, The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)71 52 62137, fax: +31 (0)71 524 8256, ***@lumc.nl