C Juan
2018-07-04 15:56:03 UTC
Hi all,
I am new user of SimpleITK and for a project I want to read a known
deformation field, previously calculated from another software, which is
stored in dcm format, (could be also in Nifti format).
When I use:
dis = sitk.ReadImage('dvf.dcm', sitk.sitkVectorFloat64)
Throws the error:
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ReadImage:
sitk::ERROR: The file has unsupported 5 dimensions.
I am not really sure if simply using ReadImage is the right approach. I
would really appreciate if you can give me some ideas how to solve this
I am new user of SimpleITK and for a project I want to read a known
deformation field, previously calculated from another software, which is
stored in dcm format, (could be also in Nifti format).
When I use:
dis = sitk.ReadImage('dvf.dcm', sitk.sitkVectorFloat64)
Throws the error:
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ReadImage:
sitk::ERROR: The file has unsupported 5 dimensions.
I am not really sure if simply using ReadImage is the right approach. I
would really appreciate if you can give me some ideas how to solve this